Sunday, December 13, 2009

Children's Christmas Presentation

Sunday morning the children's choir made their presentation. Mateus, who is almost four, seemed to keep up with them just fine.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Tonight we celebrate both baptism and the Lord's supper. I baptized Carlos e Daniele, and young couple that will be getting married in a few weeks. It was encouraging to see the waters of baptism stirred again.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Last night we celebrated the 30th Anniversary of Victory Baptist Church. None of the founding missionaries are still on the field, but several members gave testimonies as to the impact they had in their lives. As per Brazilian custom, we had a large cake after the service! Here are the people singing "To God be the Glory."

Jan serving ice cream punch.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Jan had not memorized a classical piece for performance since college. She thought she needed to be a good example for her students, so she memorized and played Hungarian Rhapsody for the Bible College Recital Friday night. (She has more grit than I do!)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Father's Day 2

The Father's Day spread!

Jan with one of the ladies' baby.
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Father's Day 09

Yesterday we had a special program for Brazilian Father's Day at Victory Baptist. The teens and children participated in this program, honoring the father's present. We also had a good attendance for the Sunday morning "father's breakfast."

Monday, June 29, 2009

Progress at Esperanca

We made a brief visit to Sorocaba on our way to Curitiba. It was wonderful to see the people and the progress they have made on the building at Igreja Batista Esperanca, the last work with which we were involved in our ministry there.

Friday, May 22, 2009

David and Rai's baby

David and Rai's are friends from Bangledesh. They had a baby boy this week and Jan and Hanna enjoyed holding him.